BRF_2024_GLO_S6_5 (Map Service)
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Current Version: 10.81
Service Description: This indicator is based on range rarity measuring the degree of endemism of mammals, amphibians and bird species.
Reputation risk will likely be highest where corporate actions cause or contribute significantly to a species extinction. Range-size rarity is a measure of species endemism – a state of a species being found in a single and/or restricted geographic range. This indicator specifies those areas where impact on a species might more easily cause extinction.
It is calculated from the area of the pixel divided by the area of the range for each species, i.e., the proportion of the species' range contained within the given pixel. These values are summed across all species to show the aggregate importance of each pixel to the species occurring there.For this indicator, we were given generous permission to utilise the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species data in the BRF by the IBAT partners.
What does very high risk mean for this indicator?
Areas of very high risk have a very high range rarity score (>0,0008). See the documentation for more details.
Map Name: Layers
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Description: This indicator is based on range rarity measuring the degree of endemism of mammals, amphibians and bird species.
Reputation risk will likely be highest where corporate actions cause or contribute significantly to a species extinction. Range-size rarity is a measure of species endemism – a state of a species being found in a single and/or restricted geographic range. This indicator specifies those areas where impact on a species might more easily cause extinction.
It is calculated from the area of the pixel divided by the area of the range for each species, i.e., the proportion of the species' range contained within the given pixel. These values are summed across all species to show the aggregate importance of each pixel to the species occurring there.For this indicator, we were given generous permission to utilise the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species data in the BRF by the IBAT partners.
What does very high risk mean for this indicator?
Areas of very high risk have a very high range rarity score (>0,0008). See the documentation for more details.
Copyright Text: IUCN (2022)
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Document Info: - Title: BRF_2024_GLO_S6_5
- Author: waterriskfilter_panda
- Comments:
- Subject: Range Rarity
- Category:
- Keywords: BRF, RiskLayer